Thursday, February 18, 2010

When the week isn't interesting at least Spain is

Didn't really do much this week except go to class, eat lunch, do homework, run, and eat dinner. I figured I'd right some observations about Spain/Caceres. However, first a couples of announcements:
1. This week I am going with the group to Granada and Cordoba
2. For Semana Santa(Week before Easter{Dad's Birthday}) I am going to Italy-Rome, Naples/Pompeii, Florence, Venice, and Milan

Ok so here is some random observations:

-They love roundabouts here I have rarely seen a major intersection without them, also they are really confusing to predict when trying to jaywalk(see below)
-The pedestrian crosswalk signals flash a skirt on top of the regular guy here(maybe only guys are allowed to cross in the rest of the world?)
-Jaywalking is incredibly popular even on busy streets(only the people with walkers don't do it)
-People walk on the left middle and right on the sidewalks, so you have to weave a lot here, also they really aren't fond of moving out of the way

-Chocolaté(basically like the liquid chocolate in the fountains at weddings except warm like hot chocolate, usually served with churros or some kind of bread) is the best thing ever.(our host mom has made it twice for us)
-They eat a lot of bread here, we get a huge hunk for every meal then I found out why it is ridiculously cheap(less than a euro for five large roll-like pieces)
-Olive oil and wine each have their own aisle at the grocery stores and both are ridiculously cheap(I'm now addicted to wi....just kidding olive oil) Mom I might send some back with you
-We also eat a lot of vegetables such as green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, and potatoes which actually taste good here...yes even the cauliflower
-Patata(a spicy tomato-based spread) is amazing we have it on a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner and I love it
-I could say more but in the interest of time and not making me hungry here are meal times and customs Breakfast: usually 9-10(crackers or small sweet bread, and a piece of fruit) Lunch In our house 3:30-4 (Usually huge piece of bread, fruit, salad, soup, and a main dish) Dinner 9:30-10 (Bread, fruit, vegetables, and bocadillos(sandwiches)

-They do dates with the day first then month then year so today would be 18/02/10
-They use military time in writing, but talk about time in the 12 hr. cycle
-Chino's(Chinses bazaars) are where everyone goes to get the cheapest stuff I guess everything is Made in China
-I have actually been annoyed by the tourists at the church up the hill from us, yet they speak spanish better than I do
-I have seen 2-3 year olds out by themselves in a plaza at midnight, and many other kids too, apparently not a big deal
-They walk really slow, I mean I have slowed down a lot and I still fly by them
-Spanish time means if you say you are going to meet up at 6 be there at 6:10-6:15
-Electronics don't function very well here(We have people come in to fix the same projector in our classroom at least 7 times already)
-People aren't very tech savvy they tend to have problems with basic computer set-up

-There is one bathroom sized trash can for the whole house
-One bathroom for four people
-It is so humid here there is mold on the ceilings(it is safe)
-The ceilings leak in some spots when it rains
-Apparently they don't believe in using much heat here because many times the house or classroom is colder than outside
-A dryer is a luxury here(my family just got one)
Pop culture
-I here at least as many American songs on the radio here as I do Spanish(90's music is apparently very popular)
-The shows are very comical here, just stuff you would never see in the U.S.
-Movies, if you read my post about Carmen you know this, but for some movies R-ratings aren't enough and it is quite normal here

-The weather here is for the entire country (north to south and west to east) not just your region, it takes awhile to see your area
-It is very cold in the mornings(enough for a warm jacket), but in the afternoons a jacket is overkill
-It is ridiculously humid here(i can't tell by the temperature, but when i walk home i can and stuff takes forever to dry)
-Rain here is strange it is so light it is almost a mist, but for long walks you definitely need your umbrella

That's all i can think of now if i remember more i will put them up later, and monday/tuesday i will put up something about Granada and Cordoba

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